Tag Archives for " wedding caterer "

December 10, 2012

How to Avoid Common Wedding Mishaps

    The wedding reception is a major part of the wedding. After a rigid vow ceremony, it is time to get down and have some real fun. Given the importance associated with the wedding reception, it is vital that you do not leave anything to chance. The venue, food and entertainment must be taken […]

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November 19, 2012

Make Your Wedding Reception a Memorable Event

The wedding day is one of the most significant occasions in anyone’s life. If you just got engaged, the big day is beckoning. Congratulations are in order on your engagement, by the way. Planning a wedding is no mean feat. You have to go out of your way and make the event fun and memorable […]

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September 4, 2012

Wedding Preparedness

When things are going right at your wedding, count your blessings. There are few and far weddings that run to perfection. There will always be at least one thing that does go wrong. Be forewarned about this fact and learn how to overcome these situations. The weather is a major factor in determining the untimely […]

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July 30, 2012

Problems at Your Wedding

When it comes to planning your wedding day, make sure you have back up plans in place. Things will come up and surprise you, so be prepared. Everything from weather to illness can really affect your wedding day. Having the plans in place to deal with the unexpected can really save your day. I recently […]

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July 23, 2012

Guerilla Weddings

Times are tough, money is tight. Did anybody consider the guerilla wedding? Well, probably not, because not too many people know what it is. It is a pretty simple idea; use a public space to hold your wedding with the least amount of people involved so you do not get in trouble. Why would you […]

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May 14, 2012

Getting the Right People to Handle your Wedding

It can be difficult to select the right people to handle certain aspects of your wedding. Between the hundreds of photographers, caterers, and florists it can become a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it is difficult to decide which one to go with and these difficulties can result in a lot of second guessing or stress. Some […]

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