Category Archives for "Blog"

June 18, 2012

Using a Personal Loan for Your Wedding

Every couple wants to have the best wedding that they can afford. They spend months, even years saving for that one special day. The reality is that they may come up short on the funds for the exact wedding they want to have. Taking a loan to help subsidize these costs can help out in […]

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June 14, 2012


Since the days of the “Love Boat”, the idea of getting married while at sea, has been a romantic desire for many. Today the cost of getting married while cruising, has made it an affordable choice for millions.  However, there are still some that could use a little Financial help in making that dream come […]

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June 11, 2012

Wedding Ceremony and Receptions at Home

Having your wedding ceremony and reception at home can be a cost saving and extremely memorable event. The joy of sharing your vows and celebrating your union in the comfort of your own home can only add to the overall experience of your day. Just make sure that you take into account a few factors […]

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June 4, 2012

Thoughts on Wedding Security

In these trying times people can become very desperate and may do the unthinkable just to be able to get by. One important aspect of a wedding ceremony and reception is security. Many people overlook or just don not realize that this can be an issue and do not even consider taking precautions for your […]

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June 1, 2012

Saving money on your wedding venue

When it comes to your wedding day, most couples would love to have the fairy tale wedding in some castle overlooking miles of beautiful vineyards in the country side of France. Then reality sets in. The budget you have to spend on your wedding can limit the options you have for your reception. In most […]

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May 21, 2012

Making your Wedding Traditional as well as Unique

Once you begin planning your wedding the first obstacle you will have to deal with is the creation of your theme. A lot of young couples are torn between having a traditional wedding or a more modern wedding that reflects their interests and tastes. It is possible to find a way to blend your personalities […]

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May 14, 2012

Getting the Right People to Handle your Wedding

It can be difficult to select the right people to handle certain aspects of your wedding. Between the hundreds of photographers, caterers, and florists it can become a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it is difficult to decide which one to go with and these difficulties can result in a lot of second guessing or stress. Some […]

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May 7, 2012

A Closer Look at Some Popular Superstitions

You have gotten your wedding loan, picked your dress and suddenly your mother starts to give you random advice about your wedding. A lot of young couples that are getting married end up having a lot of advice passed on to them from friends and relatives. Some of these pieces of advice steam from some […]

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April 30, 2012

Getting a Good Start to Planning Your Wedding

Getting engaged is one of the most incredible moments in a couple’s lifetime. Your hearts are a flutter and you feel as if nothing in the world can stand between you. It is one of the most comforting feelings in the world, knowing that you have finally found that special someone who is able to […]

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April 23, 2012

Ensuring You Apply for What You Really Need

If you are considering getting some type of a wedding loan for your upcoming nuptials, then make sure you have a plan before you even go through with the application. There are numerous companies out there that offer similar loans for such a grand event, but the last thing you want is to go through […]

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