Tag Archives for " wedding time of day "

February 27, 2013

Flowers, Flowers & More Flowers!

So it’s time to plan that big day in every couple’s life when they decide to join their lives together. Hmmm, now where do we start? There are so many decisions to make and plans to schedule but don’t get too overwhelmed because this is supposed to be one of the most glorious and memorable […]

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January 15, 2013

Weddings and the Seasons

The season you choose to have your wedding will say a lot about your special day. In the end it’s your day and you can plan it however you want for this most memorable occasion in your life. But if you’re trying to stay with the more traditional planning, the season of your wedding can […]

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July 30, 2012

Problems at Your Wedding

When it comes to planning your wedding day, make sure you have back up plans in place. Things will come up and surprise you, so be prepared. Everything from weather to illness can really affect your wedding day. Having the plans in place to deal with the unexpected can really save your day. I recently […]

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July 23, 2012

Guerilla Weddings

Times are tough, money is tight. Did anybody consider the guerilla wedding? Well, probably not, because not too many people know what it is. It is a pretty simple idea; use a public space to hold your wedding with the least amount of people involved so you do not get in trouble. Why would you […]

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