Tag Archives for " Credit Cards "

February 22, 2018

Wedding Loans or Credit Cards?

Wedding Loans or Credit Cards?

The question of whether to opt for wedding loans or credit cards in preparation for the wedding day is a big decision. In my experience, both wedding loans and credit cards have their advantages and disadvantages. Look at all the options, giving you a chance to make an informed decision. Wedding Loans To begin with, […]

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November 29, 2017

Could You Benefit From A Wedding Loan?

Could You Benefit From A Wedding Loan?

Just like all other brides and couples out there, if you are planning your wedding, you are probably coming to the point in time where you realize this is no walk in the park. There are so many details that come into planning a wedding, including the financial aspects of it. Weddings aren’t cheap, but […]

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October 26, 2017

Have Bad Credit but Need a Wedding Loan?

Have Bad Credit but Need a Wedding Loan?

When you get married, you want everything to be perfect. But what if you have bad credit? This should not stop you from having the wedding of your dreams. But what can you do? Getting Credit Cards One of the best ways to have a great wedding is to borrow money. Even if a person […]

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September 21, 2017

Top 3 Wedding Expenses to Put on your Credit Card

When you think about wedding credit, do you automatically cringe? Depending on your credit card limit, you can charge some wedding expenses. It may seem to you that you don’t want to have any lingering debt from your wedding, but actually, a little bit paid off on time will help your credit score. This will […]

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August 15, 2017

How to overcome Financial Difficulties in Marriage

How to overcome Financial Difficulties in Marriage

Rich or Poor, we all have to deal with our finances. We have daily needs such as groceries and other expenditures. We have monthly bills that come in online or in our mailbox. We all need financial tips and guidance. When a person is single, proper financing is difficult enough. When a couple marries, each […]

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August 10, 2017

Earning Credit for Your Wedding Expenses

Earning Credit for Your Wedding Expenses

Are you planning to have a wedding soon? If so, you obviously need to consider the best way to pay for your wedding expenses. According to a recent study, the cost of weddings is on the rise. Currently, the average cost of a wedding, excluding the honeymoon is $35,000. So what are some of the […]

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