Tag Archives for " Wedding Credit "

December 12, 2017

How to Finance a Wedding

How to Finance a Wedding

It is a fact that a wedding can be one of the biggest expenses that a couple faces in their life. It comes at a time when they are just starting a new chapter in their life yet they have to do all the payments. The decisions made in the planning process of your wedding […]

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November 29, 2017

Could You Benefit From A Wedding Loan?

Could You Benefit From A Wedding Loan?

Just like all other brides and couples out there, if you are planning your wedding, you are probably coming to the point in time where you realize this is no walk in the park. There are so many details that come into planning a wedding, including the financial aspects of it. Weddings aren’t cheap, but […]

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September 21, 2017

Top 3 Wedding Expenses to Put on your Credit Card

When you think about wedding credit, do you automatically cringe? Depending on your credit card limit, you can charge some wedding expenses. It may seem to you that you don’t want to have any lingering debt from your wedding, but actually, a little bit paid off on time will help your credit score. This will […]

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