Tag Archives for " Wedding Expenses "

September 21, 2017

Top 3 Wedding Expenses to Put on your Credit Card

When you think about wedding credit, do you automatically cringe? Depending on your credit card limit, you can charge some wedding expenses. It may seem to you that you don’t want to have any lingering debt from your wedding, but actually, a little bit paid off on time will help your credit score. This will […]

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August 22, 2017

Wedding Checklists for Financial Success

Wedding Checklists for Financial Success

What are the steps to follow in ensuring your wedding remains on the budget? To achieve a wedding financial success, you need a wedding checklist to guide you while making decisions on wedding expenses and other related wedding financials. Here is the checklist: Step 1: Review your finances This step should come first on your […]

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August 10, 2017

Earning Credit for Your Wedding Expenses

Earning Credit for Your Wedding Expenses

Are you planning to have a wedding soon? If so, you obviously need to consider the best way to pay for your wedding expenses. According to a recent study, the cost of weddings is on the rise. Currently, the average cost of a wedding, excluding the honeymoon is $35,000. So what are some of the […]

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