April 30, 2012

Getting a Good Start to Planning Your Wedding

Getting engaged is one of the most incredible moments in a couple’s lifetime. Your hearts are a flutter and you feel as if nothing in the world can stand between you. It is one of the most comforting feelings in the world, knowing that you have finally found that special someone who is able to connect with you in ways you could never dream of. Once the romantic thrill begins to subside, it is time to start planning your wedding. We are going to talk about a couple of steps that every couple can use to get things off on the right foot.

The first thing that should be addressed is setting a budget. This is one of the easiest parts of planning your wedding, but also one of the most difficult to adhere too. Both of you should sit down with your parents together and figure out how much you are willing to spend on the wedding and the reception, as well as who is going to be covering what parts of the wedding. The next step once you have figured out your budget is learning to stick to it, which is one of the most difficult things for any couple to do. Try sitting down and asking yourselves, what is the most important thing to you for each phase of the wedding and how much of your resources you are willing to commit to it.

You should also begin to create a list of important phone numbers to have readily available for everyone involved. You could simply use a notebook to help keep track of them all and use an online wedding planner rather than buying one. In the notebook you can have a list of all of the members of the wedding party, florists, caterers and anyone else who is going to have an active part in your wedding. You can also put notes next to each number to help keep important information on hand to reference.

When it comes to setting a date for the wedding keep in mind both of your schedules as well as the time of year that you are planning to have your wedding. If you are figuring on having your wedding during the summer, make sure you send out invitations as soon as possible, although most wedding planners will suggest at least giving guests a minimum of eight weeks, as notice. Also when you are setting the date for your wedding, make sure you also select a backup date. It can sometimes be difficult to find a reception hall that can accommodate your wedding party, so having a secondary date can be helpful.

Remember that planning your wedding is going to be a lot of fun even though it will be filled with stress and use up a lot of your spare time. A lot of newlyweds have long term plans that they would like to accomplish together so taking the time to plan your own wedding and avoiding excessive amounts of debt is going to be critical. You may want to buy a new home together or purchase new furniture together. So finding ways to make your wedding work within your budget is going to be important. You could also consider a wedding loan to lower the amount of money that needs to be paid to vendors each month and make these dreams more realistic for young couples.